
Since : 1942

Upcoming Events

10th SwissVirology meeting Jan-28-2025
Rigi Workshop 2025: Microbiome Meets Metabolism Feb-04-2025
BMSV 2025 conference Feb-05-2025
LS2 Annual Meeting 2025 Feb-12-2025
EMBO/FEBS Course "Cell biology of host-pathogen interactions" May-20-2025

About Us

The Swiss Society for Microbiology (SSM) is the professional association of Swiss microbiologists in the fields of medical (human and veterinary), fundamental, environmental and food microbiology, microbial ecology, virology, mycology and microbial biotechnology.

The SSM promotes the advancement of all microbiological disciplines by organizing annual meetings, workshops, courses in continuing education and by participating in current political and public microbiology related debates for the benefit of our society. The SSM advances the communication and exchange of scientific information among its members. Special attention is drawn on the encouragement and career development of young and promising members by granting an annual SSM promotion award and competitive travel fellowships for PhD students and young postdocs.

The SSM currently has more than 600 members and 6 dedicated sections:

  • Clinical Microbiology
  • Microbial Ecology
  • Mycology
  • Molecular Microbiology
  • Virology
  • Lay communication

Get Involved

Open Positions
Postdoc (m/w) (100 %) Biochemische Assays und Analysen
Fachhochschule Nordwestschweiz
Ihre Bewerbung richten Sie bitte über die entsprechende Online-Ausschreibung unter www.fhnw.ch/offene-stellen an Cristina Kabas, Personalverantwortliche. Nähere Auskünfte erteilt Ihnen gern Prof. Dr. Philippe Corvini, Institutsleiter, T +41 61 228 54 85.
